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Monday Motivation Playlist Add Spotify algorithmic playlist to Coffee #3

Updated: Apr 2

Easing into the week as I start finding my favourite artists' songs in Spotify algorithmic playlists. What are they, actually? Let's start with Liam Cloud.

Textbook Definition: Algorithmic playlists are created by Spotify's algorithms, which select songs based on a variety of factors such as a user's listening history, the time of day, and the user's location.

The truth is, it's the first step to getting Spotify Curators to notice songs by our favourite artists-- we who surround ourselves with those songs we love and trust, and they in turn trust us to love the songs they create.

This is a new Monday Mix. It's pretty chill.

I hope to see you all smile and groove in the next concert.

More playlists featuring Liam Cloud coming at you this week.

So, first, the robots need to notice the rhythms and algorithms of each track and match them to those of other artists' unique fingerprint in Spotify.

Folk and Acoustic picked up some of Liam Cloud's old songs.

It's a peculiar world, appealing to robots with such specific service specifications.

If you are already following Liam, then you might see something like this in one of your most played genres

Liam Cloud featured in Folk & Acoustic Mix - Spotify Algorithmic Playlist
Folk & Acoustic Mix - Spotify Algorithmic Playlist

Which upon embedding, looks like this...

Embed Folk & Acoustic Mix - Spotify Algorithmic Playlist
Folk & Acoustic Mix - Spotify Algorithmic Playlist

These songs will be in that playlist today, and tomorrow, too perhaps.

The only way it stays there for much longer is for us fans--well as many people as possible to keep playing the music!

Hit Play, Love, Playlist...

Adding Liam Cloud's songs to different playlists work, too. He has made it easy: Liam Cloud Originals

Here are some playlists that I've seen growing for a few months : Ode to Coffee, Front Page News Music.

Share any you make with Liam's music in it and I'll buy you a beer. Or at least share it in all the usual places.


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